
Union County invites bids for high school geothermal heat pump replacement

Union County invites bids for high school geothermal heat pump replacement
Amy Morris, Director of Finance | Union County Public School

The Union County Board of Education has announced it will accept sealed bids for the replacement of a geothermal water source heat pump classroom unit at Union County High School. Bids are due by 10:00 a.m. CT on Thursday, February 27, 2025.

The project involves disconnecting, removing, and disposing of the existing self-contained unit, as well as providing and installing a new geothermal water source heat pump.

Interested parties can obtain bid forms and specifications from Amy Morris, Director of Finance, or Rhonda Gibson, Finance Specialist at Union County Public Schools. The office is located at 4500 US Hwy 60W in Morganfield, KY. They can be reached by telephone at 270-389-1694.

Potential bidders have the opportunity to schedule a site walk-through by contacting the Union County Board of Education directly.

All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “UCHS HVAC” to the Union County Board of Education. Submissions via fax or email will not be accepted.

It is important to note that any conflict of interest, gratuities, and kickbacks are strictly prohibited as defined under KRS 45A:445 and KRS 45A:455. Violations could result in penalties according to KRS 45A:990.